Hi everyone , its party time again for the rhinos and us!
Please can you help support Save The Rhino Trust Namibia who protect the last true free roaming group of will black rhinos on earth. This weekend The Rhino Solstice Party team will be hosting our first fundraising event of the summer. We will be streaming a wonderfully exciting and eclectic collection of D.J. Sets to wherever you are in the world, all you have to do is click on the link bellow and listen live and have your very own rhino party and please if you are able ,donate to the rhinos. The music will be streamed Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th of June mid day to midnight both days. We have 16 D.J. sets for you to feast on. The money raised this year will be going directly to help protect the rhinos in the field from poachers and help to fund the Special Operations.
These Special Operations bring everyone together to help the rhinos, the Police officers, community game guards and community rangers The Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism Namibia ( MEFT) and Save The Rhino Trust all working together to safeguard the wild Northwest of Namibia.
Let’s have a fabulous weekend where we not only show gratitude for having such magnificent rhinos on the planet but show our love and respect for keeping them safe and support Save The Rhino Trust Namibia and the vital work, they do protect these beautiful rhinos. There will be more events to follow this year and you can keep up to date with everything on our website RHINOSOLSTICEPARTY.CO.UK
Thanks so much everyone, have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the music and please donate if you can, the rhinos need us and we need them, the world would not be the same without them, love to all you rhino friends out there and thank you to all the D.J,S for once again making this possible XXX
donate here https://www.justgiving.com/page/berry-white-1686843767831?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=one_page&utm_content=page%2Fberry-white-1686843767831&utm_campaign=pfp-share&utm_term=28a9c37eefb74d478bab1dda517599dd&fbclid=IwAR2BXyLWQOybaskin1ALtvb4wNO5I0HoUMVePAdXCOe01Av3fouOEttVNDg